Saturday, January 2, 2010

MediaWise has changed...

Perhaps you had heard of MediaWise - a great organization equipping parents to use all forms of media wisely. They are closing down as of January 1/10 but the work they did will carry on under a variety of different organizations:

Say Yes to No - a book and parent education program to help parents raise happy, self-reliant kids... Focused on the importance of saying "NO". (Follow Dr David Walsh on Twitter @drdavidwalsh)

Common Sense Media - helping parents with age-appropriate use of media. Also some great information for educators. (Follow them on Twitter @commonsensenews or on facebook here)

Through-U - Media wise training for parents and childcare providers. (This web site may change soon so keep watching.)

Switch - about getting active, managing screen time and choosing nutritious food. "Switch what you Do, View and Chew". (This web site may also change, so keep watching.)

A broad range of help in some critical areas for 21st Century parents. Worth a bookmark and a regular visit. When they have regular email newsletters, sign up and take advantage of the helpful info and advice that comes right to you.

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