Monday, December 21, 2009

Two Movies About Our Food...

I'd encourage folks to watch two movies about our food and food supply system:
Food Inc and
The Future of Food.
Both are available on Netflix instant play.

My other blog on the brain had a post on diet and the brain - there is a strong connection between how well we eat and how well we use the full capacity of our brains. Good nutrition is key to raising a healthy family, ready to give God our best for a life time.

If you only get to one of these movies make it Food Inc. It gets at the subject of the second movie at least a little bit. As you watch, I suspect you'll be disgusted, angered and hopefully also motivated as well to change some things. The end of the Food Inc movie makes some very simple suggestions (I know 'simple' doesn't necessarily translate into 'easy'). Consumers do make a difference with our choices. The challenge is being an informed consumer.

Got gave us good things to eat. Interesting that, as the science gets more amazing, we are getting less healthy. Good to remember that we live in a Fallen world. I heard a friend make the connection to the Tower of Babel and, at first I didn't get it. It is a story of people who think they are so capable that they can build a tower up to God to 'make a name for themselves'. Perhaps a good comparison... we think that we (science/industry/government) can do better than the 'simple systems' that God put in place. Or perhaps it is just simple greed, and the bottom line is profit instead of doing our best - for us and others.

Don't expect it to cost less to eat better. But eating better is important if we want to give God our best.

Eat locally! Cook meals together - and benefit from the family meal/conversation time as well.

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