Saturday, October 24, 2009

Two powerful words: YES and NO.

I'm a big fan of Media Wise and Dr David Walsh. I posted on them recently, twice.

They are making a big push for their Say Yes to No book and parenting program. Excellent stuff. Right on the money. "Yes" is a powerful word. Parents need to affirm their kids. God's "Yes" to us in the forgiveness we have through Jesus is a great example for parents affirming their kids. But just as important is the word "NO". And many parents have a very hard time with that one.

From Media Wise - "Research proves it: self-discipline is twice as strong a predictor of school success as intelligence. We need to help parents foster this vital trait."

Self-discipline - translate that: "saying 'no' to yourself". It is learned by experiencing what "no" means. A real "no". Not 'turn up the volume' or 'ask the other parent' or throw a tantrum'... "NO" ... the end.

Interesting connection to another couple links about the Marshmallow Story. First video is David Walsh explaining it. Second video is the actual experiment.

Check out Saying Yes to No.

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