Saturday, June 13, 2009

Who's in Charge?

Who is in Charge? An important question in any circumstance. It is critical for families... and it goes way back to Genesis in the garden. God says yes and no. We tripped up on the "No". Still do. Saying Yes to NO is a great book/program from MediaWise/Dr David Walsh.

I was thinking about how children learn about the fear of God. I think it comes from the hearing and experiencing the word 'no' - from parents in God's place. Well meaning parents (or parents who have not seen/experienced the word 'no' themselves much) don't want to stiffle their child. You don't have to watch Super Nanny many times to see that learning to say no is a big part of the solution for most hurting families (in fact the Super Nanny has her own official help site now - learn how to parent from prime time TV!). And an interesting look at saying 'no' to yourself is these videos from MediaWise called the Marshmallow Story.

More from MediaWise on the positives of hearing 'no' and having limits.

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