Monday, October 5, 2009

Digital Natives

I've posted on this before but re-read some of Marc Prensky's work and think it is worth parents and educators checking (or re-checking) out. I'd suggest reading both parts of his Digital Native/Digital Immigrants piece as a good place to start.

Is there really such a big difference in the kids of today? Prensky, Jukes and others say a resounding "YES"! The brain wires itself based on what it experiences. The current generation knows only the digital age. Prensky gives some interesting a persuasive arguments for a fundamental difference in the digital natives brains. And he argues that education has to change to keep up with the differences. I like how he doesn't argue that we give up critical thinking or teaching logic but I think he makes a powerful case for a fundamental change in how we do things - especially for those of us who are digital immigrants and "speak with an accent".

His article about "backup education" is challenging. And Ian Jukes gives some specific, helpful advice on closing the digital divide.

Parents need to be thinking about this and in dialogue with their children and their children's school faculty.

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