Monday, September 21, 2009

Mirror Neurons

I wasn't sure which of my two blogs to put this on - it has implications for brain and family.

Scientists are in the very early stages of learning about Mirror Neurons. Looks very interesting. Think about how our infants learn things. I remember for our own and for our grand kids, getting them to smile by smiling at them, or later to clap by clapping with them. Scientists connect it to empathy as well. And some early connections to Autism - perhaps the mirror neurons are misfiring.

Seems to reinforce the important role of parent on instructing the young - and on the importance of doing what we say.

Watch for much more to come. Here is a short video from NOVA on Mirror Neurons if you are interested.

1 comment:

  1. This is something we often see at father like mother like son...etc. We even have reports from our school parents about their children's imitation of their teachers! What a great reminder to us about Martin Luther's comments about "being little Christs" to the world!
