Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Wedding - an important start...

Our son just got married this past weekend to a wonderful young lady he met at Valpo. Spent some time with them yesterday at her folks place and her dad shared an article from Christianity Today that has much wisdom in it:

The article is "Lord of the Wedding Dance" and references the YouTube video called "Jill and Kevin's wedding entrance". Almost 32 million hits and counting. Quite the phenomenon.

The article makes the critical point about what - more accurately, who - is the center of the ceremony. It is not the couple. It is Christ. And, by extension, the whole community - Pastor, families, witnesses, and of course the couple. Still lots of room for expressing individuality in the ceremony, but Christ is central.

It was wonderful yesterday to hear all the friends and family express to the newly weds, through their cards and personal notes, that wonderful truth over and over again. A marriage well started! Hooray!

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