Friday, July 17, 2009

Family Togetherness - in the bullseye!

Another great blog is from Youth and Family Institute. Paul Hill recently blogged about families being in the bulls eye of marketers. If you don't see a bright red and white bulls eye on you somewhere, look again.

Paul highlighted a "Youth Marketing Mega Event..." it is not new but it reinforces the energy and resources that are going into selling... to you and your kids. The power, volume and quality of messages you and especially your kids receive seems overwhelming.

The good news is that families have the power to resist. Parents are pretty powerful themselves - or can be. Y&F Institute helps remind us of that - and gives helpful, practical things to do; like the Four Keys: caring conversations, devotions, service, and rituals and traditions. These nurture and anchor our lives in Christian spiritual practices and that is the best way to resist the forces of the marketers.

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