Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What Is That?

This short little video could spark some very interesting dialogue between a parent and child of any age.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Twitter as a resource

I'm on Twitter - and should probably post more than I do in order to keep Fitz Family 'out there' in the public eye for p.r. purposes. But I find Twitter to be a good place to just follow people/organizations of interest, for helpful info and resources.

Here are a few places I follow on Twitter. Everyone is forced to keep their posts short. These folks are pretty good at communicating well in the space allowed, so I know if I want to check it out for more info. If you are on Twitter, click the "find people" link and type in these names (if not on Twitter yet, type these names after ""):

commonsensenews - helpful info on current media and the family
DrDaveWalsh - Started the Say Yes to No Campaign and Media Wise
SayYesToNo - helpful resource for parents to .... learn how to say 'no'
GetGameSmart - helps parents understand the world of electronic games

You can go to each of their respective twitter sites but I find it easier to 'follow' them and then I get all their tweets, as they tweet, in one place and can click through if I want to, or not.