Saturday, April 17, 2010


Check out my other blog for a youtube video and pdf on the dangers of fructose (sugar and High Fructose Corn Syrup are 50% fructose).

Well worth the investment of time to know what we are feeding our kids and how it affects them, short and long term.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Hope Christian Schools

Check out this 'family' of schools in Milwaukee area: Hope Christian Schools on CBS news. I'd love to know how they involve families in the good things they are doing.

Happens to be one of the projects of Wheat Ridge Ministries. They help lots of organizations do great things.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

New Wheat Ridge Resource

Check out a new resource for Congregations from Wheat Ridge Ministries called Equipped to Serve E-Newsletter.

A great organization... You can expect excellent resources on health and wholeness. Be sure someone from the leadership in your church sees this link. Each issue will be chock full of helpful resources for your church.

Sign up to receive the E-News monthly.